Our Services

Ship Chandlers

Ship Chandelling is a very unique and important industry of all the ports and shipping companies around the globe. It caters to specify only one line of business. A ship chandler bestows all the necessary and requisite commodities to a ship when at the port.

The ship chandelling industries also help the new buyer in buying ship by providing the buyer with exclusive details of the exact condition of the ship. Thus, save a buyer from experiencing a great loss in buying a damaged ship. 

To mention a few important areas of the ship chandelling:

* Providing the detailed and exact conditions of the ships to be bought to the buyers.

* Commodities like food, oil, lubricants, spare parts to the ship prior to their usage.

* Catering to the minute nuances of the requirements of the crew members.

* Providing services like repair and maintenance, cleaning arrangements.

Benefits of Service

  • 1 Professional Team
  • 2 Special Customer Support
  • 3 Cost Effective
  • 4 Safe & Reliable

The ship’s crew can directly approach them. In totality, the ship chandelling deals in supplying all the required commodities for respective vessels and its crew.